domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

My favourite sportsperson

My favorite athlete is undoubtedly Leo Messi. He is a player born in Rosario, Argentina and despite a disease than small tube has been able to get to the most high. It is a fast, explosive player, handling the ball, with a masterful left leg incredible, powerful distant shot and although it is not very high also ends well head. I like because it is a very decisive player, appearing in the games and when more important and which can change the indent of the party at one time or another. It is feared by rival defenders and they usually defend him between 2 or 3 opponents. Their numbers are shocking as last season scored a total of 50 goals in all three competitions.

Here I leave a video of some of his goals:

My favourite band

My favorite music group is Estopa. I like much that do a kind of very daring music, besides being a mixture of flamenco, rumba and rock. Coir is a Spanish music duo created in 1999, formed by brothers David and José Manuel Muñoz. The group is originally from the Barcelona City of Cornellà de Llobregat. With their first album managed a few sales exceeding 1,000,000 copies, thus achieving recognition in his native country and later in Latin American countries such as Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Cuba, Argentina and Venezuela. Their other seven albums have followed the formula so successful has given them: rumbas Catalan and urban. They are great admirers of Joaquín Sabina. They have sold over 4 million records at the national and international levels.I feel very identified with their songs, the lyrics are very catchy and with a very nice meaning and they have a good rhythm.

Here you have another song by the band for the enjoy:

My favourite song

My favorite song is Cacho a cacho de Estopa. I've been starting age 7 or so listening to this type of music, which is a mixture of flamenco, rumba and rock. I especially like this song because it encourages me when I'm depressed, put me the batteries when I'm breaded or simply me delight your ears.

Here are the lyrics:

Salimos de la cárcel, metemos la primera,
en el loro Deep Purple, chirrían las cuatro ruedas.
Vamos marcando el paso. Vamos rompiendo el hielo.
No hacemos ni puto caso de las señales del cielo.

Que no tenemos pasta pues dormimos un rato
porque el dormir no gasta, sale mucho más barato.
Nos comemos la noche, cacho a cacho, gramo a gramo.
Enroscamos el coche y a mañana no llegamos.

La vida en un minuto no pasa tan deprisa
por si acaso disfruto. ¡Corre que me da la risa!

Acelera un poco más
porque me quedo tonto y vamos muy lentos.
Y acelera un poco más,
corre más que el veneno que llevo dentro.
Y acelera un poco más,
ahoga en tu laguna el pedal de freno.
Y acelera un poco más.
Cómo?... déjame que piense..
¡qué el pensamiento!.

Viajamos en volandas de cuerpos plastificados.
Dormimos la garganta porque aún no se ha despertado.
Bajamos la mirada, la luz del sol nos quema
pero no pasa nada porque aún nos queda tema
de conversación. No me seas bacilón,
la solución mira p´alante y a la carretera.
Pon atención que llevas el volante
y eso es lo más importante.
¡Mira p´alante!, ¡mira p´alante!

Sufrimos consecuencias que todos esperamos
no tenemos paciencia y nos desencajamos.
Nuestra piel es de hierro, los ojos son de cuero,
la risa la del perro tensa como el acero.
La vida en un minuto no pasa tan deprisa
por si acaso disfruto. ¡Corre que me da la risa!

My school life

Besides being a very sporty person also I like to concentrate on my studies and my duties and it cannot be said that this course will pretty well.Primary he was extracting excellent notes but arriving at ESO these down enough, but upon reaching high school, stabilized and returned to normal.The subject that I was better was educacion fisica and is a shame that this year already is it not.The course that gave me worse was biology, but to social high school took two years without worry about that. All other subjects take pretty good and I hope end the course equal or better and make a good selectivity for entering the University that I want to.

My social life

I consider myself a very busy person and that is why I have little free time to do my stuff.One of the things that takes away lot of time is the school. I am doing second baccalaureate and that conlleba have to study hard and do many duties also.But without a doubt what I remove more time basketball. I'm also coach and player.As player training three days a week, two hours each day approximately and party on Saturday afternoon game party. As coach I have fewer hours, but if together it all the other, is excessive. The coaches of children are two days a week, more or less an hour of training and also match Saturday morning.Even if you have little time for my stuff, I'm very organized and that allows me to stay with my friends and do many other things.